Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Mask Imperfect Skin

If there is one thing that everyone in Southern California wants, it is to look naturally beautiful. LA is the land of effortless beauty. Our scene is sitting around poolside with a Mojito and perfect, glowing skin. As a beauty expert in Southern California, I am constantly asked how to look naturally beautiful.

Here are a few easy steps to help you achieve natural-looking beauty:

1. Do your part. Give nature a little help and use a great mask. Currently, I can’t get enough of REN Glycolactic Skin Renewal Peel Mask. I apply this gel-like organic goo to my face, and 10 minutes later I have softer, clearer skin with a J. Lo glow!

2. Use a tinted moisturizer with an SPF 15 or higher, Stila makes a great one. Skin will look moist and even, and you’ll be protecting it from skin’s arch enemy, sun.

3. Use a little concealer under the eye and around the nose or anywhere you may need a little more coverage (Smashbox Camera Ready Concealer is great for on-the-go touch ups).

4. After that, all you need is a bronzer, Orlane’s is to die for and you can even use it on the body, lightly dusted on the high points of your face (think of where the sun hits your skin naturally such as the cheekbones and nose) and then a light coat of mascara.

5. Add a nude lip gloss and Ta Da! You are beautiful. Naturally.

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